SMART HOME TECHNOLOGY FOR AGING ADULTSA wave of future has arrived, in the form of smart homes. Thus, this blog post is about smart home technology for aging adults, and how one can keep up.
Despite being a fantasy for all the technology admirers, there are many useful aspects of home automation. For example, the use of smart home devices for aged people. Consider the fact that as a person grows old, how difficult it becomes to move from the bed. Following are the several significant ways in which aged people can take benefit from the installation of the smart home system. SCNEARIOSWith increased age, a person’s efficiency suffers, and he becomes too weak to work as he used to. So, it often becomes difficult for him to remember to carry the keys all the time. Having a smart lock solves this problem because it helps you to unlock a door with a simple tap. Or, if you have a proper home automation security system i.e. fingerprint or iris scanner, you can have easy an access to your room. People who are too weak or ill can also take benefit of smart devices. This allows them to avoid getting out of their bed all the time. They can either grant access to authorized persons or by making use of intercom. Such as, devices that display the image of a person on the door to the user by some means (smartphones etc.). One can easily verify the identity of that person without the need of getting out of his bed and can let them in. By home automation technology, the lighting system can be programmed by a skilled electrician. One should learn the patterns of its owner, gathering data about his or her timing. They can be turned off utilizing a similar strategy, or when their movement sensor gets notified. Bedding weight sensors will caution the framework in the event that somebody gets up at an unexpected time. For instance, when lighting is needed automatically going to the bathroom. DANGER ZONE: BATHROOM & KITCHENIn any home two areas that can be particularly dangerous for the adults are bathroom and kitchen. A safer environment can be created by installing a home automation system. By auto-adjustment of the water supply to a safe temperature in the kitchen and bathroom, it can prevent damage. A fast-cooling smart stove can be programmed to turn itself off. In the future, there will be a quick-witted microwave, which is right now in progress, being developed by scientists at the University of Florida. This innovative gadget will have the capacity to study nourishment bundle guidelines, and change cooking time in accordance. PREVENTION OF INJURIESFalls, which are typically only a minor trouble to more young individuals, can cause disability for the elderly. This may cause serious health problems to senior citizens. Cases of dehydration or respiratory disease will be common.. Likewise, it has a tendency to reduce the feeling of certainty and freedom. Fall locators are programmable to identify a fall. It can instantly alarm the individual’s family or parental figure to come and help.
5 TIPS FOR SETTING UP YOUR CUSTOM HOME THEATERA home theater is an ideal place for loved ones to assemble and appreciate an extraordinary film at home. Envision the cash saved money on film tickets, beverages, and tidbits. It’s a well-known fact that seating of a movie theater can be uncomfortable sometimes. Thus, home theater can give a more agreeable affair. Therefore, it’s totally upon us how we make our movie experience in our home theater from ‘good’ to ‘great’. To accomplish this sort of experience, there is a great deal that should be considered. Each component, from the innovation to the room, goods and even paint hues, needs to cooperate to accomplish that.
We will be sharing some tips for enjoying an ultimate high-end experience at your own home theater setup. 1. SENSIBLE SEATINGNo doubt, designing a home theater room was your thought in any case, and you ought to have the best seat in the house . In any case, ensure individuals sitting close to you do not need to endure ungainly points from their survey position. Despite your seating courses of action, plan for container holders or surfaces to hold chilly drinks and salty bites! Trust me, halting a film to make sense of precisely where all the Coke just went from the can . 2. ACOUSTICSThe sound is one of the real components in any top of the line home theater installation, yet many individuals do not understand how much materials affects the nature of sound. To genuinely augment the sound involvement, you need to consider not simply the state of the fittings and goods in the room, yet in addition the acoustic coefficients of every single material. As it were, you have to know precisely how they ingest and reflect sound to accomplish greatest outcomes without reducing the general style. 3. CONTROLSYou thought monitoring one remote was troublesome? A top of the line home theater regularly has up to seven such remotes. On the off chance that left as may be, that is a consolidated sum of more than 140 buttons one needs to figure out how to utilize. No one needs to explore that convenience nightmare, so introducing a control framework that is simple and instinctive is a need. Attempt frameworks, for example, Crestron and Control 4, the two of which offer iPhone, iPad, contact board and remote control choices. 4. BUDGETWhile planning a budget for home entertainment installation you should be realistic and in any case, a great deal of choices take after from your financial plan, so you should take a seat and make sense of what you can stand to spend. Keep in mind if you can’t do everything at once, you can begin by overhauling one thing at any given moment. A slipcover over an old sofa is definitely not a terrible thing on the off chance that it implies you can get an extremely ground-breaking subwoofer a couple of months sooner! 5. SCALABILITYInnovation moves rapidly and this is true in the home theater industry. In the event that you would prefer to upgrade all facets of home theater, it’s imperative to consider this. Those additional channels may appear to be superfluous now, yet you’ll be happy you introduced them in five to seven years! HOME AUTOMATION FOR SAFETY AND SECURITYSo let’s talk about home automation for safety and security. A home automation system can be set up for better monitoring, smart access and control of different home security devices like CCTV. Advances in technology have enabled remote monitoring and control over the internet. Integration of different devices enables better efficiency.
An example of home automation at work; A motion sensor picks up a presence at the front door. The lights come on automatically, and the CCTV swivels to focus on the intruder. An SMS alert is automatically sent to your phone. You can then log in to see what is happening and act accordingly, for example, by issuing a lockdown command. What tasks can be automated? HOME SURVEILLANCEAn Internet Protocol (IP) CCTV camera enables viewing what the camera is looking t in real time. These cameras have become more powerful while coming down in prices. These features include 2-way audio, motion sensors, night vision, waterproof and wireless connectivity. SMART LOCKINGSmart locks offer more functionality than standard locks. These locks can send an SMS alert when a certain number of attempts are made. Using the smartphone app, they can also be locked and unlocked. These locks can also be set to lock after a specific time period. This eliminates risks from forgetfulness. These locks also come with an audio alarm that can be triggered remotely. ANTI-BURGLARYMost home automation security systems have inbuilt ant burglary capability. Audio alarms are still popular deterrent tools but the modern at burglary systems offer more deterrence. An intrusion attempt can be remotely monitored with the burglar being warned off over the CCTV audio. The system can be set up to send an alarm to the authorities automatically on sensing an intrusion attempt. SMART SENSORSSmoke and fire alarms are also part of automated home security. These sensors can send automatic alerts to emergency services when there is a threat of fire. This enables quicker response even when there is no one at home. Smart lighting is also used in home automation systems for greater energy efficiency. This involves lighting up areas only when a presence is detected. These lights can be turned on and off remotely. The lights can also be programmed to come on at specific hours. It is also possible to set the ambiance of light in different areas of the home from one point using a smartphone app. In conclusion, home automation can be very effective in keeping your home secure. With improvement in wireless technology, it is easy to set up these devices and easily and have them integrated for enhanced efficiency in protecting your home. |
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