HOW TO ARRANGE YOUR HOME THEATER ROOM FOR MAXIMUM COMFORTThe comfort in your home theater room depends very much on how you arrange the room. A badly arranged room can be a real drag as your guests struggle to see beyond the blocked views. Getting the arrangement of a home theater right is just as important as buying the equipment. Perhaps getting the arrangement is even more important because without enjoying a good view, or bad sound can really ruin the entertainment. How can you arrange your home theater room for maximum comfort? As well as to have a neat and tidy look?
PLACING THE THEATER SOFA AND LOUNGERSThe seating arrangement is dependent on how many seats you want to place in the room as well as the available space. Many people will automatically place the seats in the middle of the room. But this is a bad spot for sound in many rooms. Why? Because bass frequencies are resolved in the middle of a room. This can be make a movie sound thunderous and jarring. The best approach to seating is by testing different spots in a room before placing the seats. A configuration where the main sofa is at the front, while the other loungers are staggered around the room usually works best. Each viewer gets an unobstructed view of the TV. For a small room, placing the TV at an elevated angle allows everyone to have a clear view even with the seats placed close together. Recliners work allow watching an elevated TV without straining the neck and back. ‘Zero clearance reclines’ can be placed in smaller rooms as they recline into the room which enables placing in a smaller room. FLOOR PLANNINGWhen placing loungers in a row, you should allow 24 inches (2 feet) plus the clearance for the armrests for the end seat. This ensures that the viewers is able to maneuver objects like comfort pillows without disturbing the person in the next seat. You should allow 20 inches clearance between the loungers. This means if your lounger is 20 inches in depth, you will need 40 inches (20+20). For a room with squeezed space, the clearance space can be reduced to 14 inches. However, anything less than that will cramp your viewers’ leg movements. You should leave at least 30 inches space on either side for use as aisles. This will allow your viewers to access their seats easier without disturbing the rest. You will not need a back aisle. ACCESSORIESRemember to leave space for a few accessories including a water dispenser, and a popcorn machine.
TIPS FOR COLOR AND DECORATION FOR A HOME THEATER ROOMWith audiovisual equipment getting more affordable, making a home theater room is becoming possible in many homes. When putting up a home theater room, it is good to keep in mind that long hours will be spent here. This is one room where luxury and comfort are paramount. Color and decoration are the two elements in the room that signify your tastes. It also plays into the general feel of comfort in this room. How can you make color and decorations work to make your home theater room the ultimate comfort zone?
COLOR IN A HOME THEATER ROOMColor plays into the lighting of the room. Darker colors will absorb most of the light, while lighter colors will reflect light. It is good to note that cinema halls feature dark colors for walls, ceiling, and even furniture. Here are some color schemes that work well for a home theater room. RED TONESRaspberry and burgundy have always been favorite colors for theaters. Most theater drapes are red-toned. Red tones tend to absorb color which works well with the low lighting. You can have deep red tones for your drapes and lighter red tones for recessed wall and ceiling lights. FLAT BLACK FOR THE TV WALLYou want to highlight the TV as the main feature on the TV wall. Flat black takes away all the light on the wall and frames the TV. When viewing, the fat black helps reduce reflection highlighting the focus on the TV in a better way. GRAY TONESGray is a neutral color which means that the lighting scheme in the home theater room will not be affected by reflection or absorption of light. The color gray works well for the ceiling and walls. There is no reflection to affect the image. EARTHY COLORSShades of brown give a vintage ‘club’ feel in the home theatre room. This works well for furniture. Deep brown leather movie seats are very good at giving an impression of class and luxury. Add a few brown toned rugs as well. DECORATING FOR IMPROVED PICTURE AND ACOUSTICSLighting and textile accessories in a home theater room can make a big difference in the quality of picture and sound reaching the viewers. • Use directional and track lighting This type of lighting avoids casting a glare on the TV which could reflect and spoil the quality of the image. Couple this lighting with dimmers for easy control of brightness. • Use thick fabrics for better acoustics Roman blinds and thick carpeting or rugs improve the quality of sound. How? By absorbing echoes from hard floor and wall surfaces. So there you have it folks. Picking the right color and decoration for a home theater doesn’t have to be so stressful; if you follow this guide line. |
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